Hr Finland

Small and medium-sized enterprises do not have the same opportunities as large companies to access a diverse HR department’s services. Töölön Vire was established to meet this need, serving as the HR department for small and medium-sized enterprises and supporting entrepreneurs.


Hr Finland Töölön Vire provides basic HR services, such as managing the employee lifecycle, statutory HR, employee management processes, and up-to-date systems for tasks ranging from employee well-being surveys to time tracking, and even something as simple as payroll checks.

Additionally, you can receive support for HR development, which might include manager support, recruitment, assistance with the co-operation law, or managing the process of change negotiations.

If needed, you can also access HR management services, such as HR strategies, participation in management team work, cultural development, HR due diligence in mergers and acquisitions, and, of course, general management support.

All our services at a single price
129 € / hour.
No commitments and no monthly fees.



In Finland, there are many HR matters regulated by laws and regulations. These include complexities related to working hours, occupational safety, vacations, and workplace protection. As the number of employees grows, the co-operation law and a whole range of statutory documentation come into play, relating to matters such as development, equality, and pay transparency.



There is a lot of HR work in companies that can be called operational, as it recurs regularly and requires special attention. Typically, these are related to payroll formation and calculation, working time records, vacation calculations, or even conducting co-operation or change negotiations.



An increasingly important part of a modern company’s operations, focusing on employee learning and development with the goal of collectively increasing the organization’s knowledge and skills. Developmental HR can also involve defining, developing, and maintaining the company’s work culture, with the aim of improving the work-life experience at the company-wide level and creating a competitive advantage in attracting the best future talent.

The Story

Our history begins at the edge of Töölö Square. Our founder, Johanna, hails from the very heart of Töölö. Töölö has traditionally been full of life, businesses, and entrepreneurship. Töölön Vire continues this spirit and vitality. Töölön Vire provides the HR services you’ve always wished for but almost considered utopian. At Töölön Vire, we understand that sales success is the most important aspect of a company. We also know that HR and business rarely speak the same language. It’s also not uncommon for the HR organization to be seen as “just” a support function because it does nothing but “support.” For us at Töölön Vire, HR does not stand for Human Resources but Human Results. We streamline processes, build more efficient ways of working, organize documentation, and develop our clients’ HR management, supervisory work, and, when needed, leadership and communication, all while keeping our eyes on the goals.

Our values

After reading the previous, you might think we are tough and perhaps even emotionless corporate types who write love letters in Excel. Of course, we are not tough, nor are we emotionless. We simply believe that by doing the right things, good outcomes are created for everyone. We oppose nonsense and jargon because they only drain energy and alienate people. We are hardworking in the traditional sense of the word and we enjoy seeing things progress. We love people, and together with them, we achieve incredible things. We have only one core value: “Always on the side of light.” Our clients understand what “Always on the side of light” means. That’s why we don’t elaborate on it further. If you appreciate the value of “Always on the side of light,” you know what it is, what it demands, and where it guides us. Töölön Vire is, therefore, the most robust HR in the city, always on the side of light.

The Team

Johanna Hirn

Johanna Hirn

HR Designer | CEO

Riina Ahlqvist

Riina Ahlqvist

HR Specialist | Service Manager

Ninni Laurikainen

Ninni Laurikainen

HR Designer | Growth Manager

Mika Aittamäki

Mika Aittamäki

Coach | Culture Designer

Helena Tahkola

Helena Tahkola

Lead HR Designer

Anniina Tirkkonen

Anniina Tirkkonen

HR Coordinator

Sara Lehtimäki

Sara Lehtimäki

HR Coordinator

Taru Merikoski

Taru Merikoski

HR Designer

Ville Parkkila

Ville Parkkila

HR Designer

Katja Korkka

Katja Korkka

Senior HR Designer

Wilma Tallgren

Wilma Tallgren

HR Coordinator

Hanna Tomunen

Hanna Tomunen

HR Coordinator

Our clients

Aito Interactive Oy • ALLit Oy • ALM Partners Oy • Amak Oy • Aqua Clean Oy • AQVA Finland Oy • Arkkitehdit Rudanko + Kankkunen Oy • Arkkitehtitoimisto Virkkunen & CO • Asianajotoimisto Magnusson Oy • Autollecom Oy • Avara Oy • AxFlow Oy • Bluetech • Finland Oy • Boxon Oy • Buildercom Oy • EDIGard /Orbyt • EPR-Asennus Oy • Finnmap Infra Oy • Finnprotec Oy • Finnvacum Oy Ab • Fleet Innovation Oy • Forus Oy • Genero Oy • Go Strong Oy • GT Musiikkiluvat Oy • Havi Oy • HelppoKatsastus Oy • Helsingin Diakonissalaitos • Helsingin juutalainen seurakunta • Helsingin myynnin- ja markkinoinnin ammattilaiset ry • HJK Oy • Hube Helsinki Oy • Inhouse Group Oy • Instman Oy • Instru Optiikka Oy • Joblink • Myymäläpalvelut Oy • Joblink Oy • KÄÄPÄ BioTech Oy • Kalliolan Setlementti ry. • Kavalleriet Oy • Kehätieto Oy • Koivunen Oy • Kotkan Futis Oy • kW-set Oy • Lappset Group Oy • Lektar Oy • Linio Biotech Oy • Lundén Architecture Oy • Markkinointiosakeyhtiö i2 • Melkki Partners Oy • MT Mediateko Oy • Nordqvist Oy • Oitec Oy • Omaeläinklinikka Oy • Osuria /Mobimus Oy • Oy Verman Ab • Palvelukonttori Tarkka Oy • Pharmadata Oy • Poppis Clothing Oy • Puhujatori Oy • Punainen Risti • Ensiapu Oy • Ravintorengas Oy • S360 Digital Oy • Seaking Oy • Secure Cloud Finland Oy • Setlementtiasunnot Oy • Signa Oy • Sofia Helsinki / Helsinki Group Oy • Strongest Group Oy • Suomen Radiologikeskus Oy • Suomen Setlementtiliitto ry • Suomen Sijoitustutkimus Oy • Suomen Yrittäjät ry • Tampereen kauppakamari • Tekova Etelä-Suomi Oy • Tekova Länsi-Suomi Oy • Tekova Oy • Teollisuuden Vesi Oy • Tietoa Finland Oy • Tilitoimisto Aarnio Oy • Topliner Ensemble Oy • Tulos Helsinki Oy • Unident AB • Väinö Korpinen Oy • VALOFIRMA – The Light House Oy • Wunderman Thompson Finland Oy • Ylva Palvelut Oy • Äyräväinen Oy

The top experts at Töölön Vire have completely transformed our perception of dull HR. From the very beginning, there has been a sense that we have a good momentum and a common goal in our interactions. They have helped us clarify and develop our leadership and company culture by challenging us, providing insights, and inspiring us, while also bringing concrete tools for improving leadership and interpersonal skills. In particular, I appreciate Töölön Vire’s sales acumen and business understanding in addition to their strong HR expertise and coaching skills. This is rare because, in my experience, HR and sales often do not speak the same language. And when a few tricky HR-related questions arise, Johanna’s number has definitely been on speed dial. And it will continue to be. This kind of immediate and hands-on collaboration is something I definitely want to deepen further.


Saara Vehoniemi
Chairman of the board | InHouse Group

Töölön Vire, I recommend! At SPR Ensiapu Oy, we collaborate with Töölön Vire on recruitment. In our collaboration, we have been exceptionally satisfied with Töölön Vire’s insightful expertise, exceptionally good candidates, and genuinely life-easing cooperation. Help is always available; it is quick, friendly, and professional. If you feel that you might need help with recruitment, either with the process itself or by outsourcing the entire recruitment, I highly recommend Töölön Vire. We have gained a lot more confidence in our work, and most importantly, we have been able to recruit top-notch people.  

Anne Pellinen CEO | SPR Ensiapu Oy

It has been a pleasure working with Johanna since early autumn 2019. Johanna’s excellent HR expertise, combined with effective communication, interaction skills, and the ability to find various solutions to everyday problems, has clearly made my work easier. Together, we have established the framework for HR activities and received support from Johanna in various situations such as the co-operation process, payroll administration, employment law, and basic HR operations, which Johanna also handles for us as an outsourced service. We continue to work together with Johanna, and I highly recommend her.  

Heli Kotilainen CEO | Setlementtiasunnot

We have been working successfully with Johanna several times over the past years. She is very customer oriented and she has the insight of our values and the way of doing things as well as the experience that we demand from our cooperation partners. We love working with her since she is very persistent and understands what our needs are in a very demanding and changing environment. We recommend her warmly.  

Helena Wahlsten Country Manager | Glitter